School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach
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Fundraising For Your YWAM DTS – Top 10 Tips

December 31, 2030 - March 14, 2040

Fundraising For Your YWAM DTS – Top 10 Tips

Fundraising For Your YWAM DTS

Every missionary since the beginning of time has had to ask themselves the same question: What is the cost? We have all heard the call from Jesus to follow Him, and most of the time He leads us into impossible places and situations. Don’t worry: it’s meant to be that way. If you could do it on your own, you wouldn’t need to trust the Lord! Fundraising for your YWAM DTS is no exception.

Knowing this, and having walked with hundreds of young people on their first step into missions through the DTS (Discipleship Training Schools), we have put together this simple, but super effective list of ideas on how to raise those necessary funds to do what God has called each one of us to do: Make disciples of nations. Since YWAM has the value of Relationship-Based Support, these suggestions will reflect this value.

Here are Our Top 10 Favourite Tips of tried and true methods for fundraising for your YWAM DTS or Missions Trip:

Our Top 10 Favourite Fundraising Tips:
  1. Hold a Bake Sale
  2. Host a Dinner/Dessert Event
  3. Design & Sell T-Shirts Online
  4. Get Crafty
  5. Write and MAIL a brilliant support letter – snail mail style
  6. Get into the pulpit
  7. Social/Crowdfunding
  8. Host a Movie – Indoor or Outdoor
  9. Offer Handy-Man/Woman Services
  10. Pray, Pray, Pray

If any of these piqued your interest, click on it to jump straight to that section. Or, simply keep reading for more information and helpful tips on how to accomplish each of these methods. Some are classic, while others are brilliant, but they will all take a bit of effort on your side to build that network of family and friends who will partner with what God is doing in and through you!

School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach
1) Hold A Bake Sale

Come on. Who doesn’t love a fresh batch of cookies, muffins, pies, cakes, brownies, or other culinary delights? We’ve had plenty of our staff and students pull in big bucks through baking some of their old family recipes and selling them at their churches, schools, or even a function they’ve hosted. Granted, it will take a little bit of input from you (and some skills), but it has big potential! Go ahead; as your grandma for her secret recipe and give it a go! Sell them for a fixed price, or for a donation.

2) Host A Dinner/Dessert Event

Sticking with the food theme, why not try putting on a dinner event or dessert evening for your friends, family, church, or youth group, asking people to pay per plate or for a ticket to attend? Pair it with some local musicians or worship leaders for some “entertainment,” and you’ve got yourself an opportunity to share what God has been doing in your life. This will give people a great way to feel connected to your plans for missions!

School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach
3) Design & Sell T-Shirts Online

Just when you thought you weren’t that graphically inclined, websites like and give you everything you need to design your own super cool t-shirts, hoodies, hats, and more, and then sell it online to everyone you are connected to! We have had students raise thousands this way, and we believe you can too! Get in contact with to get started, letting them know what you’re up to and you’re off to the printing press!

4) Get Crafty

Get your creative juices flowing and produce an item that’s low cost to yourself, but high value to someone else. We have had students and staff knit scarves, make knives, produce greeting/postcards (and much more!), and pull in literally thousands of dollars this way. Plus, every time they see/use the item you sell them, your supporters will think of you and be reminded to pray for you or get in contact with you! The sky is the limit. Everyone has a creative side. Put yours to good use and see the dollars roll in!

School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach
School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach
5) Write And MAIL a Brilliant Support Letter – Snail-Mail Style

Let’s face it: the days of getting a letter in the mail are on the way out. But who doesn’t love getting something in the mail? Especially if it’s got a photo included of the person who sent it? Why don’t you take some time and put together a short but thoughtful letter summarising what your plans are, casting the vision of what God is calling you to do, and actually ASKING people to pray about contributing to your need? When most people write a support letter, they hope the person reading it will ‘read between the lines’ and just know what to do. Set aside your pride and learn the art of letting your needs be known. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

6) Get Into The Pulpit

Most young people going into missions tend to either shrink back from public speaking OR expect that the pastor will come to get you and invite you into the spotlight to speak on stage. Why don’t you put your fear, passivity, and entitlement aside and (humbly) ask your pastor or youth group leader if you can have a few minutes to share publicly what you’re doing? This gives a great impression and lets people feel connected with what you’re doing. Again, don’t be afraid to let your needs be known. People want to know how they can help. You’ll be surprised at how effective this can actually be if you put your heart into it!

School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach
School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach
7) Social/Crowdfunding

When the word gets out about what you’re doing, you’re going to want to make it as easy as possible for people to give to you. That’s where websites like and come in real handy (even Facebook can be a fundraising platform). They are websites that charge really low fees for handling your donations! It’s pretty sweet. Even if you have already tried some of our other sweet fundraising ideas, it’s a good idea to get something like this going as well. That way, you make it as easy as possible for people to donate! You could also make a short video of yourself to put on the site so people can connect with you online!

8) Host a Movie: Indoor or Outdoor!

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Find a movie (sometimes the classics draw the biggest crowds). Find a venue. Get some snacks. Sell the tickets! Most people enjoy a good cinematic adventure, so why not combine people’s desires with your fundraising project, and see the money come in? Again, with any of these events you host, you’ll need to put in a bit of work, but the rewards can be amazing! Also, this gives you a great platform to share what God is doing in your life, and even to share the Gospel! Talk to your church, school, or friend with a whizzy projector set-up to get the wheels in motion for this one!

School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach
School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach
9) Offer HandyMan/Woman Services

Most people have at least one or two odd jobs around the house that they are putting off, hoping they’ll never have to do them. That’s where you come in! Superhero handyman/woman extraordinaire! Offer to clean toilets, clean out gutters, declutter garages, organize closets, rake leaves, paint fences, wash windows, weed gardens, even mop the floor! People will be willing to pay for these services, and if you advertise it as fundraising or payment by donation, you never know what you’ll rake in (pun very much intended).

10) Pray, Pray, Pray

Never underestimate the power of the Almighty God in providing for His children. If the Lord is calling you into missions, He’s going to provide everything you need to get there. If you’re lacking a bit of faith in this area, consider this: in the history of the YWAM Movement alone, there have cropped up over 1000 ministries, with over 20,000 full-time staff, and WELL over 20,000 participants going through DTS programs every year around the world! Each one of them trusting God for the finances to make ends meet. Combine that with all of the buildings, properties, ships, vehicles, and everything else that has been owned by YWAM ministries over the last 60+ years of operation, you will discover that God has been EXTREMELY generous with His kids. The Bible exhorts us to approach the throne of grace with confidence, knowing God hears and loves to answer each one of His children’s requests.

Don’t worry. You’re in good hands.

School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach


So there you have it – Our Top 10 Fundraising Tips to get you on the journey toward fundraising your YWAM DTS. There are dozens more we could have included on a list like this (and you’ve probably heard about hundreds more). However, the main point is to show you that even if all you can take is a small step, a little initiative, a tiny seed, in the hands of your Creator, watch as He multiplies it beyond your wildest imagination. God has been supplying what His people need to accomplish His purposes for a long time. Why don’t you join His story and trust Him to provide for you? You won’t be disappointed!

School of Media Photography and Film YWAM Pacific Reach


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We get it. DTS is a huge decision. That’s why we’re here to help! Our communications team is standing by.


December 31, 2030
March 14, 2040
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